Friday, October 1, 2010

Most Beautiful Fish In The World

Rainbow parrot fish

Parrot fish has a calcareous birdlike beak. Truly amazing and one of the most beautiful,this is most colorful fish found in many countries in the world and tend to stay in shallow water of between 6 and 10 meters of depth. Rainbow parrot fish eat small invertebrates that live in coral and pit out the left allover calcium.

Mandarin fish

Mandarins are a small, bright color fish .which is found in saltwater aquarium trade.mandarin fish also called as Chinese perch and mandarin dragonet. It can reach up to 6 centimeters long and prefers to stay in shallow reefs and lagoons. They eat small invertebrates and crustations.

Lion fish

Lion fish is alsocalled as dragon fish,scorpion fish and many more.The lion fish is one of the most venomous fish.It has got protruding spikes called as spine which contain poison and much effective.They are commonly found in the aquariums because of their strikes brown,red,white body and their large spines.The spines are almost 20cm long.Lion fish cause extreme pain if anyone happens to fall victim to their poisonous spine.


Clownish is also commonly known as anemone fish.It is very beautiful, which has yellow/orange color body with white stripes along its black lines.It has a second name "anemones" because they can spend most of the time inside the anemones and remain unaffected by the poison it contains.Clownish are found in warm waters such as the Pacific and Indian Ocean, Red Sea.Size of the clown fish is approximately 10cm to18cm.


Discuss is also known as symphysodon fish. Symphysodon species have rounded compressed body shape. This fish are frequently found in green red, brown blue shades. This fish is a freshwater species, one of the most beautiful species in the aquarium.the height and length of the discuss fish is about 20-25 cm.

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