Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beauty Tips For Beautiful Eyes.

 Eyes are the most attractive and complex sensory organs of our face. They convey all of our feelings to others without speaking a word. Eyes look pretty with their shape or size. Our vision is one of those wonderful gifts most of us take for granted. Eyes are one of the most important parts of the body.
Eyes need regular care to keep them healthy and beautiful. Proper eye care and exercises for tired eyes are very much recommended for keeping your eyes healthy and stress free.
Eye exercises help to improve the stability of the eye by coordinating and strengthening the eye muscles. Eye exercises also improve the power of the eye.
Eye Care Tips:
    ·         Wash the eyes in regularly. Splashing cold water to your eyes.
    ·         Eat foods rich in Vitamin A, vitamins C and E, zinc that are essential for healthy eyes. Include lots of spinach, melons, eggs, carrots, papaya, and mangoes in your daily diet. 
    ·         Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.
    ·         To clean your eyes, milk is a natural cleanser; take milk on the cotton ball for cleaning eyes.
    ·         Apply a mixture of olive oil with glycerin to make the eyebrows and eyelashes thick and attractive. 
   ·  To relax your eyes and preventing dark circles or wrinkles can put a slices of cucumber and potato on your eyes for 10 minutes.
      · Choose an eye shadow according to the color and shape of your eyes. For large eyes, choose a darker shade while for small eyes choose lighter to medium shade. For small eyes, do not use much shadow.
      · Eyeliners outline the eyes. They should be applied softly.

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