Though erectile dysfunction is stressful it is not life threatening, but a heart disease can be. Erectile dysfunction also known as impotence can be the early sign for heart diseases. Therefore it is most important to understand the link between two and try to get the solution for treatment.
The primary disorder of heart is Atherosclerosis which is hardening of arteries. This is buildup of plaques in arteries and in very different parts of body. This plaque is formed by the excess fats and cholesterol deposition in arteries. It causes the arteries to narrow and harden which stops the blood circulation to some parts of body.
Arteries which supply blood to the penis are smaller compared to other, and if they are disturbed the flow of blood becomes insufficient for the erection causing impotence. Heart disorders thus take place when arteries fail to supply blood to the heart. This can further increase the risk of the stroke and other cardiovascular disorders.

Diabetic Men:
Men who suffer from diabetes have a high risk of erectile dysfunction and later heart diseases due to limited blood flow.
If you are under 50 years you will notice this symptom of heart disease but if you are above 70 years then you may have problem of erectile dysfunction but not heart diseases.
Obese Men:
Obesity is worst factor which causes this problem. Due to obesity you are prone ti heart disease as well as erectile dysfunction.
High cholesterol level:
If the cholesterol level increases then you will have artery hardening which directly leads to ED problem and heart diseases.
Smoking cause the atherosclerosis problem and disturbs maintaining ability of erection.
High Blood pressure:
High blood pressure can damage your artery line and hasten the process of atherosclerosis.
Depressed Men:
Depression can be the secondary cause for heart diseases and erectile dysfunction.
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